Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Social Justice Unit

I am very excited to use Social Justice issues as our focus for our unit on non-fiction texts.

In a Daily 5 format, centred around student choice and voice, students will have the opportunity to work with and learn about issues that are important to them!

Our Learning Goals for this Unit

Reading demonstrate understanding of non fiction text and their elements by reading articles and other non fiction texts about social justice issues
communicate comprehension of texts
reading with fluency (guided reading activities)
Writing use the elements of a persuasive writing
communicate purpose and appropriate audience
grammar work
sentence fluency
Communication communicate clear, coherent manner when presenting media
reflect on listening and speaking skills
Media evaluate media
create media


Read to Self read articles and non fiction texts about social justice issues (Student Monitored)
guided reading groups to discussion issues (Teacher assessed)
complete reading question and answer about one social justice article (self and teacher assessed)
Read to Someone• read article or text (different than Read to Self q&a) about social justice issue (student monitored)
create media (poster, movie, slide show) to raise awareness of issue (self and peer assessed, teacher confirmed)
Word Work complete worksheet package on writing and grammar concepts (self assessed, teacher confirmed)
Work on Writing write a letter to an organization or member of government regarding a social justice issue (self assess and teacher confirmed) through the writing process

  • begin researching and gathering articles and non fiction texts about a Social Justice issue you are interested in learning more about to impact change
  • bring a novel, magazine, etc. for free choice reading.  Our love of reading is further developed when we can simply read (not always doing reflection work on what we've read)

Monday, 28 January 2013

Short Stories Returned

Many students today were able to receive their short stories back.  I am very proud of the work that the students did.  Many of you effectively demonstrated your understanding of the elements of a short story.

Some students were concerned about my marking system. Please see below an except from the Growing Success, the Ministry of Education document that guides teachers assessing and evaluating student work.  Please see below p. 18 of the document regarding the levels of achievement.

"Level 2 represents achievement that approaches the provincial standard. The student demonstrates
the specified knowledge and skills with some effectiveness. Students performing at this level need
to work on identified learning gaps to ensure future success.

Level 3 represents the provincial standard for achievement. The student demonstrates the specified
knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness. Parents of students achieving at level 3 can
be confident that their children will be prepared for work in subsequent grades/courses.

Level 4 identifies achievement that surpasses the provincial standard. The student demonstrates 
the specified knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness."

Part of growing as a learner is self assessing.  If you feel that you have not been given the mark your work deserves, we can definitely have a conversation about this.

Please fill out your own rubric, including your evidence for the mark and feedback for next steps.  I look forward to reading your comments.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Returning Short Stories

Your short stories have all been 100% handed in and are now 100% marked.  (218 stories! We have some very creative students at John McCrae!)

I am using your feedback from your stories for your writing mark.  I hoped I would be able to return your stories this week, however, it is not going to happen as I am simply not there with the report card comments.   I look forward to returning them next week.  Thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Video Converters Update

Windows users

You will need to convert Youtube videos with a program called Real Player.  It is free.  Videos are downloaded as .flv files.  You will need to convert them to convert them to .wmv files.  Right click in your Real Player library on the file you downloaded, select convert to.  Change the format of the file to video, and then select WMV.  A link to the Real Player website.

Mac and iPad Users

I am still learning about these programs.  For Mac users, you need a program called MacTube available here

iPad users, there is an app called I cab mobile.  It costs $1.99.  There are many free video converters which use adds as their revenue.

The more we learn together, the more success we will have this project.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Movie Trailer Rubric and Presenation Dates

I am SO excited that you are SO excited for this Movie Trailer Project!!!

Thank you to all students who had "double" lessons on Thursday to ensure that you are ready to start the project on Monday.  A copy of the rubric and student created success criteria  can be found here.

Presentation Dates - we will have a movie trailer class were we will vote on the best trailer for each class.   This is your due date for your assignment.  Your trailer must be saved on a flash drive in .m4v or .wmv format on a USB flash drive to be played on my computer in class.

8A - Wednesday, January 30
8B - Tuesday, January 29
8C - Friday, February 1
8D - Thursday, January 31
8E - Wednesday, January 30

7C - Tuesday, January 29
7D - Wednesday, January 30
7E - Friday, February 1

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Thank you and a reminder...

Thank you to the students have volunteered to share their technology at school and/or at home to ensure the success of our movie trailer project.  Please remember to bring everything you need to work on your projects at school during your scheduled class times.

A reminder that you will have the next two weeks to work on this assignment in class, and I look forward to have a movie trailer day in class were we select the best trailer from each class.

Week of January 14 -Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Week of January 21 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday (following)

Week of January 14 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Week of January 21 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8C -

Week of January 14 - Thursday, Friday
Week of January 21 - Friday, Monday (following)


Week of January 14 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Week of January 21 - Tuesday, Thursday, Monday (following)


Week of January 14 - Tuesday, Wednesday
Week of January 21 - Wednesday, Thursday


Week of January 14 - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Week of January 21 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday


Week of January 14 - Tuesday, Thursday
Week of January 21 - Wednesday, Friday


Week of January 14 - Monday, Thursday, Friday
Week of January 21 - Tuesday, Friday, Monady (following)

Trailer Short Story Plot Diagram

In your small group, you need to complete a plot diagram for your story to demonstrate you understand what main idea and plot of your story are before beginning your movie trailer.

You will have time in class to work on it, but if you run out of time, and need another copy, here it is.   Plot Diagram

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Video Converster for Movie Trailers

Students who have generously shared their technology for the movie trailer projects are asked to download Real Player on to their laptops. A link to the Real Player website.

I am still learning how to keep videos for iPad users for iMovie.  If you know of a way, an app, program, website etc, please let me know.

*** update  a student shared the website as a way to convert Youtube clips for iMovie.

next update for Mac Users - Real Player SP for Mac OS X for free  Mac users, can you please let me know if this link works.  It should allow you to download videos from YouTube.

**** another update.  Check out this website to learn about how to convert Youtube videos for iPads

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Short Stories for Movie Trailers

To help ensure you are making meaningful connections, I have selected the following short stories for the movie trailers project.  You will be put into groups based on availability of technology and story preferences.

Here is a list of stories that are available.  You are required to choose from this list. I have included some of my selections from the presentations.  You are welcome to choose one of those stories, as long as it was not what you presented on.  

The Star - very selfish actor who is faced the actual end of the world
Hermann the Irascible - the King of England makes a law that women MUST vote, and what women do to stop this.
Uncomfortable Bed - friends who play practical jokes and the results

The Cobweb - a family inherits an old farm, with a crazy old woman.
A Diagnosis of Death  - a man learns he can predict his own death
The Boarded Window - a man dealing with the death of his wife

Fairy Tales
The Frog Prince -  a young princess who befriends a frog
Rumpelstiltskin - a young princess who can spin gold and the curse that comes from that

A Most Ambitious Experiment -  scientist learns how to time travel and hopes to make money by learning from the future.

The Lottery - a game everyone wants to play, but no one wants to win
The Most Dangerous Game - when man becomes the hunted.
Lamb to the Slaughter - how a wife gets away with murder

Children's Story
The Hockey Sweater - young boy's drama of wearing the wrong hockey sweater
The Paper Bag Princess - classic Robert Munch!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Making Movies!

If you missed your last class before the holiday break, you missed hearing about our movie trailer work that will will be focusing on to finish up our Short Story unit.

In groups, you will read a short story that I've selected (this helps to ensure that the connections you are making are meaningful and relevent) and create a movie trailer for it.

We will be going over the elements of a trailers and creating success criteria together (and then merged for all 8 classes) during the first week of class, and then off to the library to use the iPads.

We will be using the iPads to search for movie clips and graphics as well as creating your own videos and graphics.  The mobile computer lab is booked solid, so we don't have access to it.

Students who are comfortable bringing in their iPads or laptops to schools with iMovie or Movie Maker on it to actually create the trailers.  The iPads at our school do not have iMovie on them currently (it is on our school wish list).  Our success with this project will be dependent on availablity of student technology.  In class, approximately 4-5 students confirmed that they could bring in their own technology.

iMovie is available for download for $4.99

Windows Movie Marker is available for free