Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Read to Someone - PSA Assignment

Due to no bus days and snow days, some classes are deep into the new unit around Social Justice issues, and others have not even started!  This is okay, and we'll set due dates accordingly.

For classes who are ready for the Public Service Announcements for the Read to Someone assignment, the success criteria for the assignment and a brief description are now available.  Looking forward to hearing what everyone is so passionate about to help make our world a better place.  Be the change!

Please remember to check the English Calendar in class for due dates. 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Word Work for February

Most classes have finished their lessons around the word work assignments.

Please see below links to the assignments if you have lost yours or were not here when they were given out in class.

Grade 7 Word Work

Grade 8 Word Work