Monday, 5 November 2012

Daily 5 Assignments for November/December

Looking for a copy of the assignments for Daily 5?  Well, here they are!  Deadlines have been recorded by the Tracking Binder person and are posted every English class, and we review them every class we have together!  (No excuse for not knowing when something is due).  We work a few deadlines at a time, to not overwhelm us, and to be able to allow flexibility when things like assemblies, trips and general class changes come up.

Quick review -
Reading to Self - Novel study of your own selection, the goal being that you can discuss the main idea of your text.

Read to Someone - Select a short story of your own choice with your partner, either from those available at school or a favourite (children's story or teen/short story).  Reflect with your partner about the elements of a short story, the effectiveness of those elements, and your own feeling about the story.  Present your findings in a 3 min presenation.  Demonstrate presentation skills and audience skills.

Word Work - Choose 5 words that are a challenge to you.  Complete one of the 4 challenging word work assignments, including a definition, meaningful sentence and explain why those words will challenge you as a reader/writer.

Work on Writing - Go through the writing process and create a short story.  (Be mindful of the term SHORT story!)

Listening to Reading - no formal assignment.  Students may listen to their read to self book to help ensure comprehension. 

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