Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Novel Study

We finally pick up our novel study, and I think it will be an amazing way to bring our time together to an end (our final days together we will focus on poetry!)

Selection dates for your novel are on the class calendar.  Please have your novel selected and your plan to have it read by June 2 ready by your classes date.

Reminder, you will need six weeks access to this book.  Mme. McEwen is aware of our novel study, and we will be allowed an extension for the books for this project only.  Mme. McEwen is well aware of our novel study, so please check in with her for novel ideas that would be suit your interests as a reader. 

Please see the link for the unit outline

Goals for our unit:

  • demonstrate understanding of your novel
  • provide information about your novel (setting, characters, structure, connections)
  • discover similarities and differences between novels in your group
  • create a journal response
  • successfully document group discussions
  • reflect on and identify your strengths as listeners and speakers
  • participate actively in group discussion

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Handing in Your Letter

All of the Grade 7 and 8 classes are in different stages of their letter writing.  Please check the English calendar and the tracking binder person from your class to find out your due date.  

When it is your turn to hand in your finished letter, reminder that you need to hand in the following things in order, 1 on top:

1. Rubric with your name, grade and number (the photocopier has cut it off on this copy).

In pencil (or in a coloured pen that is not blue/black), complete the rubric and self assess your final piece of work.  Please be mindful that Mrs. Barbier will be commenting on the same piece of paper.

2.  Plan/Graphic Organizer

3.  Rough Copy

4.  Peer Edited or Computer Edited Copy

5. Final Copy.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Format of your letter

The format of your letter influences your reader's reaction to it.  Neat and organized, your reader is more likely to pay attention.  All over the place, your reader is more likely to dismiss your claims.

Format for your letter.  Please review this file as discussed in class how to format your letter.

Not sure the proper way to address a letter in Canada (the rules have changed, city, province short form and postal code are now on the same line).  Please review this link from Canada Post about addressing a letter. 

Finding the proper address -  you will need to ensure you have the correct mailing address for your letter.  I have provided you with some information here to help you navigate to the provincial and federal governments' websites.

Contact information - I have found this link works well.  There is a list of ministries, click on the ministry that you are looking for to find the mailing address.  You will still need to research the name of the current minister for your ministry.  Government of Ontario website is www.ontario.ca

The Honourable First and Last Name, M.P.P.
Minister of _________
Ministry of _________
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear Mr./Ms Last Name,

This link will give you a list of all the ministries in the federal government.  After selecting your minister, click on the department website link, which will take you to the ministry's website.  On the ministry's website, select the "contact us" page.  Scroll through this page to find the mailing address.  Government of Canada website is www.canada.gc.ca

The Honourable First and Last Name, M.P.
Minister of _________
Ministry of _________
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear Mr./Ms Last Name,

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Persuasive Writing Rubric

Persuasive Writing Rubric

There is one rubric for Grade 7 and 8 Persuasive Letter writing assignment.  This is because the curriculum expectations are the same for both grades.  I will use my professional judgement to assess the Grade 7s and 8s accordining.

Expectations being covered in this assignment

Writing 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.6, 3.7

Ontario Language Curriculum Document
Grade 7 - pp. 130-132
Grade 8 - pp. 144-146

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Bring Reading Material To Class!!!

Continued homework:  research information, including name of contact and physical mailing address, for your letter

Bring reading material to class! Reading is not something you do to fill time in English, it is a vital part of the English curriculum. It is the first Language expectation! 7.1.1 and 8.1.1 is "read a wide variety of increasingly complex or difficult texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts, graphic texts, and informational texts."
Bring any type of reading material (novel, graphic novel, non fiction text, magazine, newspaper for example) that you enjoy to class!

If you are not bringing material to class, you are considered not prepared. This will most likely be reflected in the English incomplete assignment/homework stamp in your agenda, as well as your Learning Skills marks for responsibility and organization.

Persuasive Letter Plan

Thank you to the students who pointed out that the PDF of this was not on the blog.  Here it is!

A reminder, if this graphic organizer doesn't sing to you, you do not have to use it.  You do need to demonstrate the five elements plus topic in your plan.  The five elements again are
  • position (what is your stance on the subject)
  • attention to audience (what does you audience already know or what will you be sharing that is new for your audience)
  • factual support (what information will you be using to persuade your audience)
  • word choice (most likely not demonstrated on your plan, but in your rough copy)
  • strategies (please see the previous blog posting about the 3 strategies, pathos, ethos, and kairos).

Most classes this is due one week after receiving it.