Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Handing in Your Letter

All of the Grade 7 and 8 classes are in different stages of their letter writing.  Please check the English calendar and the tracking binder person from your class to find out your due date.  

When it is your turn to hand in your finished letter, reminder that you need to hand in the following things in order, 1 on top:

1. Rubric with your name, grade and number (the photocopier has cut it off on this copy).

In pencil (or in a coloured pen that is not blue/black), complete the rubric and self assess your final piece of work.  Please be mindful that Mrs. Barbier will be commenting on the same piece of paper.

2.  Plan/Graphic Organizer

3.  Rough Copy

4.  Peer Edited or Computer Edited Copy

5. Final Copy.

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