Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Short Story Conferences

Short Stories conferences are taking longer than I had originally hoped!  Please ensure that you have your conference sheet ready (see blog below) to ensure we have the must fruitful conversation that we can have in our short time together (and we're not waiting for you to get organzied!)

Reminder that I would appreciate your short story before the holiday break, but it isn't officially due until you return.  Once handed in, free choice during Daily 5 fully returns. 

You need to hand in
  • the rubric
  • rough draft
  • self edit  (a different typed copy, or maked with pen). 
  • peer edit
  • final product (typed is perferred)

We have lost some time for conferencing to performances, job action, and assemblies.  If you want, you can come see me during my extra help time to conference ahead of schedule.  Once you and I have conferenced, you are welcome to hand in your work ahead of the due date. 

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