Thursday, 6 December 2012

Word Work and Short Story Presentations

Short Story -I have been impressed by the majority of the quality short story presenations, and blown away by the few who chose to knock me out of the park by your indepth and insightful presentations!

As you know, I like to scan all rubrics/checklists before returning them.  I have a few more catch up presenations to go, so you should be recieving yours back the next time I see you.

Word Work - I enjoyed how I had to look up many of the interesting words that some of you chose!  My vocabulary has been expanded.

I appreciated the time and dedication that some of you put in to ensure you followed the posted rubric in the classroom and on the blog and from the many classroom discussion we had about the expectations of the assignment. 

Some of you will be disasppointed in your assessment.  Many students forgot to reflect on their word choice or only completed part of the actual Word Work assignment, or that five word sentences were quality for Grade 7 and Grade 8.  Students will have the opportunity to resubmit if they want.

Currently, I have marked 4 out of 8 classes.  (Previous to this, I was marking your graphic organizers!).  I hope to return these assignments as soon as possible as well. 

Only two weeks to go!  We can do this!  How did all this time fly by so fast?!?

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